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PRSI Treatment Benefit Scheme for Hearing Aids

Learn about the PRSI Treatment Benefit Scheme, which offers free hearing aids and services to eligible individuals in Ireland based on their PRSI contributions. This guide explains eligibility, how to apply, and the benefits you can receive, including hearing aids worth up to €1,000, free hearing tests, and more.

Understanding the treatment benefit scheme

The Treatment Benefit Scheme, provided by the Department of Social Protection (DSP) in Ireland, offers essential ear and eye care services. This scheme is available to eligible individuals, including insured workers, the self-employed, and retired persons who meet the required PRSI (Pay Related Social Insurance) contribution criteria.

What is PRSI?

PRSI, or Pay Related Social Insurance, is a system of social insurance contributions in Ireland. These contributions are crucial for funding the Social Insurance Fund (SIF), which supports various social welfare benefits and pensions.

Who pays PRSI?

Most employees and employers in Ireland must pay PRSI contributions, typically between the ages of 16 and the pensionable age. The amount and class of PRSI contributions depend on your employment type and weekly earnings.

PRSI classes

PRSI contributions are categorised into different classes, determining the contribution rate and the social welfare benefits you may qualify for. There are 11 classes: A, B, C, D, E, H, J, K, M, S, and P. Your specific class depends on your job type and earnings.

Eligibility for the treatment benefit scheme

To qualify for the Treatment Benefit Scheme, you must have made sufficient Class A, E, P, H, or S PRSI contributions. The required amount of contributions varies by age group:

  • Under 21: At least 39 contributions at any time.
  • 21 to 24: At least 39 contributions, plus either 39 paid or credited in the governing contribution year or 26 paid contributions in each of the second and third last contribution years.
  • 25 to 65: At least 260 contributions, plus either 39 paid or credited in the governing contribution year or 26 paid contributions in each of the second and third last contribution years.
  • 66 and over: Generally requires 260 contributions at any time and additional contributions in the relevant tax years.

PRSI contributions for spouses or partners

A spouse, civil partner, or cohabitant may be eligible for Treatment Benefit based on your PRSI record if they do not have enough contributions of their own. They must have a gross income of €100 or less per week and not be receiving a social welfare payment, with some exceptions.

How to apply for the treatment benefit scheme

To apply, visit an optician, optometrist, ophthalmologist, or audiologist. They will check your entitlement and claim the payment on your behalf. You need to provide your date of birth, PPS number, and sign a consent form. If claiming as a dependent, both parties must sign the form.

Free hearing aids with PRSI

If you qualify under the PRSI Treatment Benefit Scheme, you can receive hearing aids worth up to €1,000 for free. This benefit is available to employed, self-employed, or retired individuals with the necessary PRSI contributions. You can also use your PRSI contribution towards a more expensive pair of hearing aids, paying only the difference. Additionally, the scheme covers up to €100 off repairs.

Check your eligibility

To determine if you are eligible for the PRSI Treatment Benefit Scheme, visit the official welfare website or consult with your healthcare provider.

By leveraging the PRSI Treatment Benefit Scheme, you can access essential hearing aids and related services, ensuring better ear health and quality of life. Visit Boots Hearingcare to start your journey towards better hearing today.