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We know this is a really difficult time for everyone across Ireland right now. As a health care provider, your health and safety is always at the heart of what we do, so we wanted to let you know what we are doing to protect our customers and teams at Boots Hearingcare

Last Updated: 11:00AM | 13/05/2020

Emergency appointments available

Following Government advice, we have been able to open some of our stores to run essential services. These stores are offering essential hearing care by appointment only.

If you are a key worker, please call us on 01 5060164 if you need support and we will do what we can to help.

Find out more

If you've previously had a routine hearingcare appointment booked, this has been cancelled and we will be in touch when the time is right to get you booked back in to see us.

Frequently asked questions

I sent my hearing aids off for repair, what will happen to them?
If you were due to collect repaired hearing aids, these will be returned to you. There is no need to go into store to collect.

If you have recently returned your hearing aids to store to be sent away for repair, if they haven’t already been sent to the manufacturer, they will be returned to you for safe keeping. Information on contacting our Customer Care Team to discuss next steps will be included with your hearing aids.

Our Customer Care Team are all working from home and look forward to assisting you as best as they can at this challenging time.

If you have Phonak, Starkey, AudioNova or Widex hearing aids which have already been sent for repair, these will be posted back to you as soon as the repair has been completed.

If you have any hearing aids in your possession which need a repair please contact our Customer Care Team on 01 5060164. We will try to guide you through the repair, alternatively we will share details of where to send your hearing aids.

Following latest Government guidance, we have made the urgent decision to close all Boots Hearingcare stores to ensure our colleagues and customers remain safe. We are working hard to work through all scenarios regarding repairs and will share the detail here as soon as this is finalised.
Has my appointment been cancelled?
We have taken the decision to temporarily close our Hearingcare stores across Ireland in order to protect the health and well-being of our customers and our teams in these challenging times. 

Please keep checking this page for the latest information.
I recently purchased an aid, where can I get help?
If you're experiencing difficulties, you can contact our customer care team on 01 5060164** for the cost of a local call – see our opening times

As a continued service to our new customers we have also extended the 60 day moneyback guarantee to 90 days from day of purchase.
Can I check or test my hearing online?
Yes, we have an online hearing test that assesses your ability to hear at different frequencies. You'll get instant feedback and be offered to have the results email to you. 

You can use it to verify any hearing loss or hearing-related issue. The test is for indicative purposes and isn't to replace a properly thorough examination by a professional hearing specialist.

Start the test 
How old do you have to be for a hearing test?
We only offer hearing tests for adults aged 18 and over. All our hearing tests and appointments are completely free. Whilst we have closed our stores for new appointments, you can take our online hearing test. You’ll get instant feedback on your ability to hear different frequencies.
Can I have a hearing test at home?
Unfortunately we don’t offer a home service. Whilst we have closed our stores for new appointments, you can still take our online hearing test. You’ll get instant feedback on your ability to hear different frequencies.

How do I maintain my hearing aid?

How to clean your BTE or RIC hearing aid

How to change your BTE or RIC Battery

How to clean your ITE hearing aid

How to change your ITE battery

How to change the CeruShield wax filter

How to change the dome on a Audèo M hearing aid